Curriculum Intent
Our engaging enquiry-based curriculum provides opportunities for all children to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves, others and the world around them. We aim for all children to become innovators, creative thinkers & be emotionally resilient to be equipped to, not only succeed in life, but to flourish along the journey.
Our staff and children use their Heart to foster a Love of learning, passion to investigate & explore. They use their Head to gain knowledge and have Courage to try new things, taking risks in their learning. Together they use their Hands carefully to work together, showing Respect for each other and the world around them, being creative to become experts within their Enquiry Journey.
Implementation / Quality First Teaching
We believe Quality First Teaching is a style of teaching that emphasises high quality, inclusive teaching for all pupils across our school. This will include specific learning activities designed to meet pupils’ needs; differentiated learning, strategies to support SEND pupils, as well as other vulnerable groups. It is vital that we use on-going formative assessment to help meet the needs of our learners. This is achieved through high quality levels of assessment, pupil learning feedback and pupil engagement. Our Teaching & Learning Policy reflects the research and beliefs when delivering our curriculum in school. This can be found under Policies.
Our Curriculum covers a two-year cycle to support our mixed-year group structure across the school. We have developed a clear progression of skills that is informed by the National Curriculum to ensure that our curriculum builds on children’s knowledge and skills year on year. Teachers use the progression of skills alongside the National Curriculum to map out a learning journey for each ‘Enquiry Journey’.
Parent’s and Carers can view the ‘Enquiry Journey’ for their child’s year group by selecting your child’s year group here.
Each ‘Enquiry Journey’ has either Science, Geography or History as the subject driver. This gives each ‘Enquiry’ a question for the children to explore, discuss and base their learning on. By the end of the journey, children will have acquired the knowledge and skills to be able to answer the question with a depth of understanding.
Within each ‘Enquiry Journey’, children are taught either art or DT – these alternate each half term and are often in the context of the enquiry.
Music, Languages, PE, PSHE and computing are taught as discrete subjects.
At Kingsclere CE Primary School, we use the following published schemes to guide and inform teaching and learning within specialist subjects:-
Music – Charanga. This is an excellent resource that is a multi-award-winning music teaching and learning support with complete curricula, teaching resources, music technology, online learning, CPD and training.
iCompute leads the way in supporting schools teach the computing curriculum with inspirational, schemes of work that provide full statutory coverage of the National Curriculum for Computing at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Designed by a Computer Scientist and a specialist primary computing master teacher, iCompute’s expertise and innovation in computing teaching has been recognised each year by the prestigious British Educational Training and Technology (BETT) Awards and Education Resources Awards (ERA).
Our computing curriculum is designed for mastery. It prepares children from the EYFS to Year 6 to be confident, competent and responsible digital citizens.
Languages (French) – Language Angels. Language Angels is a complete teaching resource that has fun and engaging lessons. It enables all teachers to deliver high quality French lessons where the children can hear the words being spoken through the videos and games.
PE – The PE Hub The PE Hub which is a complete PE resource packed with lesson plans, videos, music, printable resources, and assessment tools that staff use to meet Ofsted requirements and make PE more fun and rewarding for pupils.
The PE Hub supports us to deliver high-quality lessons by harnessing pupils’ natural enthusiasm for PE. We provide challenge and have high expectations with clear success criteria that help keep pupils on track.
The PE Hub has a huge range of progressive content for our teachers to use to design their curriculum. Building on a foundation of physical literacy in Reception, at KS1 children learn fundamental movement skills that prepares them for modified games at KS2. In addition to games activities, each year group has access to outdoor and adventurous activities and two units of gymnastics and dance; ensuring children’s learning is broad and balanced.
From their starting points, all children will make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically in line with our current School Improvement Plan. (Click here to view SIP) Knowledge, understanding, and skills will be secured and embedded so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for secondary school.
Our children will understand how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible, aware of how to make positive contributions to the local community and endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to leave Kingsclere CE Primary School with a clear understanding of Christian values, strong communication skills and the ability to listen respectfully and with tolerance to the views of others. They will demonstrate emotional resilience, courage and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge. They will develop a sense of self-awareness and become confident in their own abilities. They will be kind, respectful and honest, demonstrate inclusive attitudes and have a sense of their role in our wider society.